It is time for a new Christmas!

Our motivation:
a happy & healthy nature
Flourishing biodiversity and storing carbon instead of adding to the mountain of plastic during Christmas.
Supporting divers and perennial growing systems.

Our approach:
We are building up a network of regenerative farmers to produce the branches of the trees in diversified ecosystems rather than in monocultures.

Our solution:
The SustainabiliTREE is made by sustainable certified wood in Germany. Ordered with a click, shipped, branches plugged in and voilà - your own tree! A new Christmas!
Who we are ...
We are an international, diverse, purpose-driven team of enthusiasts, mainly rooted in Germany. Some of them you see here:
Jan Bernd
... is an agile coach and systemic organisational developer with over seven years of relevant professional experience in a logistics company, a social start-up and as a freelance consultant to start-ups and NGOs.
Since 2018, he has been supporting organisations whose most significant motivation is their commitment to a sustainable society.
He believes that the SustainabiliTREE is, on the one hand, a continuation of a beautiful and vital tradition. But above all, it is an ideal symbol to involve people in the social process for change.
... is Agroecologist on paper and by heart: Her biggest desire is to build up a farmer’s network to support the transition process to regenerative agriculture.
Trained in Agribusiness and Agroecology and with multiple work experiences, she also adds to our business development.Now she establishes meaningful relationships between SustainabiliTREE to partners, farmers, and customers in Spain and the Benelux countries.
Sven grew up on his family's farm close to the Dutch border. Can you guess what they produced? Yes, Christmas trees!
He has worked for 12 years in an international agricultural machinery company responsible for strategic and corporate development. On his global journey looking for solutions in food and agriculture, he discovered the potential of regenerative farming practices like permaculture, agroforestry & forest gardens.
For him, SustainabiliTREE symbolises conscious interaction with people and nature in every living room for Christmas.
Do you like to take part in our team?
We are looking for support for our Market development (m/w/d).